Posterpräsentation beim Machine Learning in Certified Systems Workshop

Beim Machine Learning in Certified Systems Workshop, welcher vom DEEL project organisiert wurde, hat Ana Pereira von der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW) ein Poster zum Thema “Safety Hazards Analysis and Mitigation Strategies for Machine Learning-Based Safety-Critical Systems” präsentiert.


Machine Learning (ML) is increasingly applied for the control of safety-critical Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS). As a consequence, the safety of machine learning became a focus area for research in recent years. Applying a classic technique of safety engineering, our work provides a methodological analysis of the safety hazards that could be introduced along the ML lifecycle, and that could compromise the safe operation of ML-based CPS. The comprehensive analysis presented here intends to be used as a basis for holistic approaches for safety engineering of ML-based CPS in safety-critical applications, and aims to support the use of ML-based control systems in highly safety-critical applications and their certification.

Das Poster wurde von Ana Pereira und Carsten Thomas von der Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft Berlin (HTW) erstellt.

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